Genesis 3 – Biblical Outlines

Genesis 3

I. Introduction
A. Recap of the creation of Adam and Eve in Genesis 2
B. Transition to the events surrounding the Fall of humanity

II. The Temptation and Fall of Adam and Eve
A. Verse 1: Introduction of the serpent, who questions God’s command to Adam and Eve
B. Verses 2-3: Eve’s response to the serpent, adding her own restrictions to God’s command
C. Verses 4-5: The serpent deceives Eve, suggesting that she will not die but become like God
D. Verses 6-7: Eve eats the fruit and shares it with Adam; their eyes are opened, and they realize their nakedness
E. Verses 8-10: Adam and Eve hide from God’s presence in the Garden
F. Verses 11-13: God questions Adam and Eve about their actions and they shift blame onto others

III. Consequences of the Fall
A. Verses 14-15: God curses the serpent, foretelling the enmity between the serpent’s offspring and the offspring of the woman
B. Verses 16-19: God pronounces consequences for Eve, including pain in childbirth, desire for her husband, and subjection to him; God also pronounces consequences for Adam, including the toil of work and the curse of the ground
C. Verse 20: Adam names his wife Eve, emphasizing her role as the mother of all living
D. Verses 21-24: God makes garments of skin to clothe Adam and Eve and expels them from the Garden, guarding the way to the tree of life

IV. Conclusion
A. Summary of the events in Genesis 3
B. Transition to the subsequent chapters and the unfolding of God’s plan of redemption

Note: This outline provides a general structure of Genesis 3, focusing on the temptation and fall of Adam and Eve and the consequences that follow. It captures the key points and events, but the actual chapter contains additional details and dialogue that are not included in this outline.