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The Paradox Another poll sheds light on this paradox of increased religiosity and decreased morality. According to sociologist Robert Bellah, 81 percent of the American people also say they agree that “an individual should arrive at his or her own religious belief independent of any church or synagogue.” Thus the key to the paradox is … Continue reading “Autonomy”


Five Loaves and Two Fishes God uses what you have to fill a need which you never could have filled. God uses where you are to take you where you never could have gone. God uses what you can do to accomplish what you never could have done. God uses who you are to let … Continue reading “Availability”


Average Male The average male is: 5’ 9” tall and 173 pounds. Is married, 1.8 years older than his wife and would marry her again. Has not completed college. Earns $28,605 per year. Prefers showering to taking a bath. Sends about 7.2 hours a week eating. Does not know his cholesterol count, but it’s 211. … Continue reading “Average”


The Boss •      Rule #1: The Boss is always right. •      Rule #2: When the Boss is wrong, refer to rule #1. Source unknown


First Recorded Fatality While the family of Harry Bliss mourned, they surely had no idea of the tide of grieving his death would unleash. He died in 1899 in New York City, the first recorded automobile fatality. Many million times since the tragedy, his death has been reenacted, and not even a single one of … Continue reading “Automobile”

Assurance of Salvation

Christ’s Atonement Certainty of salvation, because of the promises of God and the effectiveness of Christ’s atonement (1 John 5:13). The word does not occur often in the Bible, but the idea is more frequent. It is basic that people do not deserve their salvation because of their own efforts; that would leave them always … Continue reading “Assurance of Salvation”


New Age About half of the Americans who are familiar with the New Age movement don’t take its teachings seriously, and a third of them say New Age thought runs counter to Judeo-Christian teaching, says a new poll by the Princeton Religious Research Center. The poll also shows that the general population’s awareness of the … Continue reading “Astrology”


Quotes •      Nobody talks so constantly about God as those who insist that there is no God. – Heywood Broun, Gaily the Troubadour, Arthur Guiterman, 1936 •      God is not discoverable or demonstrable by purely scientific means, unfortunately for the scientifically minded. But that really proves nothing. It simply means that the wrong instruments are … Continue reading “Atheism”


OT Pictures Situation Interpretation Reference Slave Market World System 1 John 5:19 Slave Master Satan John 12:31 Slaves Humanity Ephesians 2:2–3 The Problem Sin Colossians 2:14 Highest Bidder Jesus Christ Hebrews 2:14–15 Ransom Price Blood of Christ 1 Peter 1:18–19 One animal sacrifice per man Genesis 3 One sacrifice per family Exodus 12:3–14 One sacrifice … Continue reading “Atonement”