Administrador – Page 2 – Bible Study

Genesis 6:5 – 9:28 An Everlasting Sign of Hope (McLarty) – Bible study

Sermon Genesis 6:5 9:28 An Everlasting Sign of Hope By >Dr. Philip W. McLarty Our series on the stained glass windows continues today with Noah’s Ark and the story of the great Flood. If you’re keeping count, this is the fourth sermon of the series. We’ll take a break next week to celebrate the Fourth … Continue reading “Genesis 6:5 – 9:28 An Everlasting Sign of Hope (McLarty) – Bible study”

Genesis 11:1-9 Building Towers or Building Souls? (Wagner) – Bible study

Sermon Genesis 11:1-9 Building Towers or Building Souls? By Dr. Keith Wagner For the first time it has occurred to me that the story of the Tower of Babel falls in the midst of information about Noah and his descendants. The ark, which contained God’s few remaining faithful had found its way safely to a … Continue reading “Genesis 11:1-9 Building Towers or Building Souls? (Wagner) – Bible study”