Chapter 3: Theological Development in the Old Testament – Demonology



The theological development in the Old Testament plays a pivotal role in shaping the Hebrew understanding of demons and the supernatural realm. This chapter explores the evolving theological concepts within the Hebrew scriptures, tracing their beliefs about God’s sovereignty, the spiritual world, and the divine-human relationship. Understanding this development is essential for interpreting the references to demons and their role in the Old Testament.

Section 1: The Early Understanding of Divine Sovereignty

1.1 God as Creator and Ruler

  • Examine early Old Testament passages that emphasize God as the Creator of the universe and sovereign ruler.
  • Discuss the foundational belief in God’s authority over all creation.

1.2 Limited Divine Intervention

  • Analyze early theological perspectives that suggest limited divine intervention in human affairs.
  • Explore narratives where God’s direct involvement is less pronounced, allowing for human free will.

Section 2: Expanding Concepts of Divine Activity

2.1 Divine Providence

  • Discuss the emergence of the concept of divine providence, where God actively guides and sustains the world.
  • Examine passages that portray God’s care for His people and His involvement in their history.

2.2 The Divine Council Revisited

  • Revisit the concept of the divine council, highlighting its presence in the Old Testament.
  • Explore how the divine council reflects an expanded understanding of the spiritual realm and divine governance.

Section 3: From Henotheism to Monotheism

3.1 Henotheism: The Worship of Yahweh

  • Explain the stage of henotheism, where the Israelites predominantly worshiped Yahweh but acknowledged the existence of other deities.
  • Discuss the tension between henotheism and monotheism in early Hebrew thought.

3.2 Monotheism: Yahweh as the Only God

  • Explore the theological shift towards monotheism, where Yahweh is recognized as the exclusive God.
  • Highlight key passages and developments that solidify monotheistic beliefs among the Israelites.


The theological development in the Old Testament illustrates the evolution of Hebrew thought about God’s sovereignty, divine intervention, and the divine-human relationship. These theological developments provide the backdrop for understanding how the Israelites perceived the supernatural world and the role of demons within it. As we delve further into the study of demonology in the Old Testament, this historical and theological context will be crucial in interpreting the biblical accounts of demonic encounters and their theological implications.